Monday, December 16, 2013

Mentorship Update!

Over the past couple of months, I have steadily been working with my mentor, David Bower. Initially, there were some restrictions as to what I could do for the agency, seeing how financially secure everything had to be, and I was primarily restricted to 1 hour conversations about finance towards running operations. However, after several weeks of having my trust earned among administration, I was finally permitted to assist the office with clerical and secretarial work involving clients, and I had an opportunity to see how actual organizations were run.

In a word, precise. Precision is everything in an organization, especially around finances. Everyone has to be on top of every situation and every arising situation there can possibly be - Excuses are not an option. My mentor himself has a very detailed way of arranging meetings and laying out his schedule, being sure to leave room for any complications that may arrive at any given time. To clarify, it's not actually my mentor who schedules his time - It's his secretary.

I have now visited my mentor a number of times, and have earned the trust to sit in on professional presentations and assist the company similar to how an intern would. Admittedly, I sometimes have a bit of trouble comprehending some of the financial and organizational terms thrown out in the open - Mr. David is extremely, extremely knowledgeable. However, in the future, I will be able to assist my mentor in gradually bigger things, and perhaps even work with clients.

I am still figuring out how to add photographs to my experience, though. I think taking pictures of a secure financial office would be frowned upon, in the least...

Thursday, November 21, 2013



1.   "I have reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ."

  • Provide a framework for studies (It calls for breadth and depth of research, Is not a yes/no question)
  • Takes a stance (Allows you to argue some point, Cannot be a recitation of facts or a list)
  •  Format (It is specific, The wording makes sense)
2.  Review the following EQs and tell us if it meets the rule of 3 criteria, and why it does or why it doesn't.

 a.  What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
This essential question is simply too vague. It does provide a slight framework for studies, but does not take a stance, and is not specific enough to make the senior project specialized.

 b.  What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?
 This essential question would make a good one because it takes a stance, is specific, and provides a framework for future research. Though, in order to reach maximum potential, this EQ would best work reworded into something slightly more specific - such as "What is the most significant factor in securing a conviction in a homicidal criminal investigation?" Needless to say, that's only an example.

 c.  What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
This essential question is perfect! It is specific, takes a stance [satisfying a customer], and provides a solid framework for research. Again, it would be beneficial to get a bit more specific.

 d.  How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
This EQ needs to be more specific in order to take a stance, namely - What type of chronic pain? Chronic pain ranges from acute bronchial infections to irate skin conditions. This is too vague to make a solid foundation for the essential question.

3.  Based on your review of the rule of 3 and your experience with assessing four EQs, please write another draft EQ for your senior project.

What is the most effective way to promote education through visual media to teenagers in Los Angeles?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Complexities of Administration.

This month the article that had captured my attention the most was an entry entitled "Review of Weighted Student Funding" - a dense, though official report made by the National Educational Policy Center. Through it, I learned that California's current educational financial structure focuses on children in need more than the average student - namely socioeconomically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.

Though I initially found this to be quite pleasing, as I had read further into the article it was revealed that a large portion of the money designated towards these causes do not actually reach their destination, presumably because of concerns with administration. The article also demonstrates that socioeconomically disadvantaged students may not be ideal candidates for a bonus of student funding because of a plethora of external factors such as the environment, specific school, and misleading statistics that may skew their scholastic performance to be better or worse than students within other regions.

It was also revealed to me through this article that the money that has not gone to the designated areas where it was supposed to is very difficult in pinpointing who is responsible for the respective failures in performance. The educational budget system, and in fact, most government operated systems that revolve around public affairs are extremely difficult to understand in terms of implementation, much less to pinpoint when and where exact financial mishaps have occured.

All in all, it just goes to show you - Educational Administration is run by a very complex system that is simply too complex for an operation that is aimed to assist its people.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Fins!

Over the past month and a half of research I have completed, I have been stopped by a rather odd fact. The World Education Index is compiled from the Mean Years of Schooling Index and the Expected Years of Schooling Index - Creative names, I know - which also take into account educational performance. The United States has an index of 0.968, according to the most recent data, and this ranks it at #21 in the world. Finland has an index of 0.993, ranking it at #1.

Why all the success? Well, with some research, it's actually not a surprise. In Finnish counties, teachers and other professionals in schooling are selected from the top 10% of the nation, and are required to have a Master's Degree in Education. Becoming a teacher in Finland also happens to be very well-compensated, so much so that elementary school teachers often carry the prestige of an M.D. - On the other hand, they're also required to go through the nonstop rigors of both student and faculty assessment.

Besides a well-trained and well-equipped teaching staff, Finnish schools also contain a number of elements crucial to early childhood development. Students are expected to help one another, and all of them go through the same program, due in part to the freedom districts allow teachers. Many schools are small enough so that the teachers know every student personally. After secondary school, students can either attend an upper secondary school or vocational school to learn a trade.

As it turns out, it is no surprise to why Finland is leading the race in education. Now, the question is - How do we do even better?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Research and Working EQ

1.  What is your working EQ?

My working essential question is "What is the most effective way to promote education to socioeconomically disadvantaged teenagers in Los Angeles?" What a mouthful!

2.  What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format. 

EQ: What is the most effective way to promote education to socioeconomically disadvantaged teenagers in Los Angeles?
  • To provide educational assistance in the form of entertaining, satirical, and thoughtful graphic media.
3.  What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ?

The most important source I have used so far is an article by Belinda Zimmerman, entitled "The Fluency Development Lesson Gets Graphic." It addresses the importance of another medium within schools - One which acts as an intermediary between societal and educational values.

4.  Who is your mentor, or where are you volunteering, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?

My mentor is Mr. David Bower, a local stock broker. He has had several years of training outside of his current position, in business organization and administration. This is relevant because I plan to compose a form of graphic media, and the first topic I am going to tackle is Personal Finance, which he happens to be an expert in.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Independent Component 1 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
My topic is currently the promotion of education to the socioeconomically disadvantaged. My goal was to provide something affordable, rewarding, and interesting to my target audience. What better way to promote education than through a comic book? For my 30 hours, I have planned to go through the complete production of a medium-sized comic book - from beginning to end. The comic book, the first of its kind, will feature multiple lessons on a select topic, and present them in a humorous, engaging way. Printing itself is expensive, but the goal of this component would be the production part of it. A single comic book production is itself quite large, and will involve storyline production, thorough research of the topics in question, management of a small to medium-sized team, and potentially, an excellent opportunity for students to learn from one another.
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
I'm a big fan of photos and video production, and will use these to support my Independent Component Work Log.
3.  Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
 In order to ensure the success of this project, I am also going to be gathering the opinions of the target audience for maximum effectiveness. In this, I will get to learn and address the audience of my project better, and also complete a project that could potentially help thousands if completed effectively.

Monday, September 30, 2013

How to be a teacher!

Recently, I have read a quite...eye opening article, if I do say! As part of my project, I plan to analyze the current model of education, its flaws, and work my way up from there. In order to do this, I must learn current teaching methods. Oh, the irony! Learning to become a teacher! Gah!

Anyways, according to an interesting article entitled "Effective, Efficient Teaching" - published by Purdue University, mind you - the most important thing about teaching is for students not only to learn the correct content, but also - to learn how to learn! 

I have also learned from this handy little article that teachers have to be organized, analytical, and be able to set boundaries between students - In fact, that's essentially the entire point of the beginning of the year syllabus! In order for students to learn the most effectively, they also have to take tests, be given material that reinforces the knowledge of previous material, and be given short breaks. The average student has an attention span 15 to 20 minutes long.

Perhaps the most important element of effective teaching is a style of learning found prominently throughout IPoly - Hands on learning! Many studies have found that students learn most effectively when included in active learning exercises such as discussion and problem solving within small groups, as well as brainstorming.

Many teachers have also personally found that individuals will respond best when treated as individuals, and as fully responsible adults.

In short, effective teachers have a lot of responsibilities. They must be attentive towards their students, providing them not only with the needed materials to learn, but with respect, courtesy, and individual attention. Most importantly, teachers have to teach students how to learn on their own.

And this is going to bring us to the wrath and ingenuity of the Individual Component, but more on that later! For now, good teachers and staff, farewell.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Second Interview Questions.

The purpose of the second interview is justify your mentor as an expert in the field.  Thus, you will be asking at least 5 questions about their background and/or the background of the organization or company where they work.

1.  Who is your mentor and where do they work?

My mentor is a local stock broker named David Bower. He works at a place known as Edward Jones, a local business firm. I chose him because he possesses a significant knowledge of business and finance beyond his current position.

2.  What five [or more] questions will ask them about their background?
  1. What is your educational background?
  2. What was your original major, and why did you choose to pick it?
  3. How have you learned outside of formal education?
  4. What has been your greatest accomplishment? Why?
  5. In your opinion, what is the most effective way in winning over clients?
  6. What is the most important thing you know that has come only from experience?
  7. What is the most effective way to keep up with a fast-paced work environment?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working EQ.

The Pentagon - Part I:

(1) Positive Statement: What positive thing happened as a result of what you have completed so far?
  • I have established awesome contacts. For example, I have met the following:
    • A financial stock broker well on his way to success in the corporate ladder.
    • A representative of an unnamed nonprofit organization.
    • A representative of the California Department of Education.
    • A lawyer, who happens to specialize in neuroscience and communications technology. What a strange conversation. 

(2) EQ Content:  Pick a piece of research or your interview.  How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
  • Recently, I had read a massive 40 page report, which I am too stubborn to count as multiple entries in my working bibliography, and it has greatly enlightened me to California's educational situation. I have learned a great deal about state funding, the representatives, and a general understanding of how the educational system works. It's not too simple.
(3) What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
  • I have a solid basis for understanding, and I feel I am being challenged - in more ways than one. I definitely appreciate the challenge of the whole prospect of research and committing to a certain aspect of the topic. So far, So good. c:
(4) What hasn't worked so far?
  • I realize the amount of research to achieve an exemplary senior project is extremely massive, so I am sad. I have read countless research articles, and I feel I need much, much more to be adequately informed. Real issues take real research.
(5) Finding Value: 
  •  What is a potential question you would like to study this year?  (working EQ)
    • What is the most effective way to educate the socioeconomically disadvantage?
  •  What do you plan to do for mentorship?  If you haven't found a mentor yet, then discuss where you are currently looking and who you are talking to to find it.   
    •  I have found mentors, but I have not yet found a dependable one. A local stock broker which is likely my most esteemed contact has a busy schedule, so I have to do things way ahead of time. Both the representative of the California Department of Education and California Youth services cannot be contacted for another week, because both have big projects to attend to. As of now, I am also looking into family contacts and representatives of both education and nonprofit organizations. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation


1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?

 I plan to interview Mr. David Bower - a financial stock broker. The reason I want to do this is because I feel in both the acts of setting up a nonprofit and managing one, managing and establishing funds is going to be a hugely important aspect. I also plan to interview Mr. Bower because he has had several years of Business Management, Administration, and knows a significant amount of business and finance beyond being a stock broker. He is very qualified.

2.  You have to ask 5 questions.  What additional questions do you plan to ask? 

  •  What is your experience in business and management outside of formal education?
  •  What is the primary intent of focus in any given organization?
  •  What allows an organization to flourish? What doesn't?
  •  In your years of experience in management, what is the best way to organize a team?
  •  Is there anything you can tell me that comes only from experience? If so, what is it?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1.  List your topic here:

My topic is The Promotion of Education to the Socioeconomically Disadvantaged.

2.  What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs?  Be specific and use an example.  Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).

  • iPoly Citizen
    •  To be an effective iPoly citizen, one must assume complete and total responsibility for his or herself, as well as for his or her respective community. The Senior Team runs the framework of the iPoly community, which makes us responsible for maintaining school events - Having fun takes hard work! I will show growth in this, especially this year, because I will be actively engaged in iPoly events, showing my support whenever possible, as well as encouraging others to do the same. Away from simply hosting iPoly events, I plan to not only become well-taught, but I wish to apply those teachings and share what I know with others, thereby making my community even stronger.
  • Effective Learner
    • Senior Year expresses concern for Automony - That is, assuming responsibility for your own learning and expressing your own brand of personal creativity whilst doing it. I plan to show growth in this specified ESLR, because I have working on developing my own brand of creativity as well as my own methods of learning for the past 3 years I have been here at iPoly. I have realized from the start that it is up to me entirely to decide what my future was going to be like, and to plan accordingly. I plan to grow this year by further working on my skills, on continuing my education outside of school through community service, tutoring, being mentored, and continuing to mentor others.
  • Effective User of Technology
    •  I will show growth in technology as well, because I have learned a great deal of computers (as well as how to troubleshoot nearly anything) over the course of Junior year, thanks in part to Lionel Arellano and Alfonso Esquivel. I have learned enough to the point to have an enormous amount of aide readily available to me at all times. I can photoshop pictures, complete graphic designs, make fancy looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and will also be able to design and maintain a website by the end of this year. Not to mention, the readily available learning resources that are just waiting to be broken into! I plan to develop all of these skills and develop even more of them as the year progresses.
  • Effective Communicator  
    • In order to develop in the area of being an effective communicator, especially in demonstrating the importance of interdependence,  I am planning to learn as much as I can, to do as much as I can, and to develop as much as I can in order to make myself the best suited leader. Today, as I examined my lovely South House frolic about in a maze of tape, I realized the need for order as well as the need for consistent leaders. Our ASB representatives naturally took the hold, but were only supportive for so long before they looked like they had half given up. In order to develop into an effective communicator, I plan to practice as much as I can in tutoring, community service, volunteering, Model Assembly, and wherever possible. Being a good leader is not easy.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component


1. (Know) Using google drive, link a log of specific hours and a description of your duties.


2. What is the contact name & number of where you volunteered?

I worked for Ms. Sammy Urgo. Her main office number is (213)485-2352. You may have to ask for her.

3. (Need to know) What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?  List them. 

- How do different law offices respond to different cases?
- Is a law system based upon the absence of empathy the most effective one?
- How is a business most effectively run without implementation of profit maximization? [I noticed this because the office building was run by a man who barely maintained it.]
- What am I going to do?


4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?

The most important thing I gained from this experience was the sense of how our legal system works. In my time working, I had read many a criminal file, and I realized that our current law system revolves around the belief that in order to have a system as effective as possible, you have to disregard emotion and make it as bureaucratic as possible. This makes sense in some ways, but not in others.


5. How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.

This helped me choose a topic because I was at one point considering doing something in law, because my mother works closely in their department. However, I never knew how much bureaucracy is involved in resolving criminal cases. This helped me choose a topic, because I now know if I ever do a topic relating to law, I will very likely be doing office jobs. I now know this is not for me.

- Adrian Gallegos, proud occupant of south house.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

2013 2-Hour Presentation Reflections



1.  (Know) What presentations did you see?  Name the topic and the person's first name.

I witnessed the following presentations:

Dean N. - Theater Acting.
Indra N. - Tai-Kwon Do.
Joseph Ga. - Teaching Elementary science.
Audrianna F. - Nonprofit Organization.
Priscilla W. - All star Cheerleading [Competition].
Ryan s. - Water Treatment.

2.  (Need to know) What questions do you have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what they said. 

I need to know more about how the individual components play a part in the senior project, because a majority of the answers I have received are fuzzy at best. I need to know any limitations as to what I can do, and I would also like to learn more about Indra's senior topic - It was awesome!


3. What has the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?

Assuming what you meant was "Based on what you have seen over the past two weeks, what is the most important part of senior project?", my answer would be the element of dedication. Dedication is what separates lesser projects from greater ones; It is the force that allows us to work to our full potential, and develop a prize so pure that we ourselves thought us incapable of creating it. Dedication is the most important part of senior project - figuratively speaking - because it is the force which shall allow us to persevere in the face of those terribly strict senior deadlines. 


4. What topic are you considering doing and why?

I am considering a "Hard" science - namely Physics or Chemistry because I find the world of science absolutely fascinating, and it seems the more I learn about either of these topics, the more intrigued I become. I do not get bored.